Thom Weidlich and Eric Rose Publish Article in The Crime Report

Managing Director of PRCG Thom Weidlich and Eric Rose, a partner in PRCG’s affiliate office if Los Angeles, published an article on crisis communications in The Crime Report. The Crime Report is a criminal justice news source published by the Center on Media, Crime and Justice at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York.
The article discusses the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department’s fumbles while communicating to the public about a deputy’s claims of having been shot.
The claims turned out to be fabricated, and investigators quickly pieced this together. But the Sheriff Department failed to communicate this to the media who were anxious to learn about what was initially communicated to be an active shooter on the loose.
Thom and Eric dissect the many missteps of the story from the point of view of crisis communications professionals.
In short, if the department knew on Thursday the shooting was almost certainly a hoax, why did it send out a press release Thursday afternoon that still treated the fake shooting as if it were real?
–Thom Weidlich and Eric Rose in The Crime Report