Crisis Communications in Sports: A Debut!



The COVID-19 climate confronts sports leagues with many challenges and potential crises as most resume play while confined to a “bubble.” But, of course, there are always crises in sports. To address these sensitive topics in depth, PRCG | Sports introduces a new and innovative podcast: Crisis Communications in Sports.

This won’t be your ordinary sports-business podcast or talk-radio show. Hosts Jim Rocco and Isaac Benjamin will delve into the latest crises that sports leagues, teams, athletes, or other personalities are facing, and how to manage such issues. Fusing Rocco’s sports marketing experience and Benjamin’s crisis management background, the show analyzes the situations making headlines.

Crisis Communications in Sports will navigate the entire sports communications world to predict certain challenges, discuss the sensitivities of dealing with the media, and advise on buying capital in the court of public opinion. Immediate coverage will undoubtedly focus a lot on the challenges of COVID-19.

Listen to the first episode here . . .


. . . Or wherever you get your podcasts.

“Our mission on this show is to discuss and dissect the most compelling sports communication stories currently playing out on the world stage,” Rocco, director of PRCG | Sports, says in his introduction to the first episode. “If an athlete, team owner, or a league is attracting negative publicity for what they said, how they said it, or why they said it, we’ll be here to assess the damage, and offer our professional take on how it could have been handled better, and how it could be rectified.”

Episodes will feature Rocco and Benjamin discussing the most pressing issues in sports communications, offering their own perspectives on often complicated matters. Episodes will also include guests from a variety of positions and backgrounds, including those from the media, corporate communications reps who deal with sports, and people who work closely with sports figures.


Our mission on this show is to discuss and dissect the most compelling sports communication stories currently playing out on the world stage.

— Jim Rocco, Director, PRCG | Sports

Every episode finishes with the quickfire segment “It’s Time to Go Bold.” With candid and no-nonsense assessments, Rocco and Benjamin outline how they would handle a current challenging situation if they were charged with the task.

“It’s going to be fun!” said Benjamin, account supervisor with PRCG | Sports. “I don’t think there’s anything quite like it in the pod-sphere, and I’m looking forward to it.”

Crisis Communications in Sports’s first guest is Aryeh Schwartz, founder of the leading WNBA-devoted website, Winsidr. The fascinating conversation covers the latest news regarding the conditions of the league-wide isolated “Wubble” in Florida, a developing crisis about an outspoken owner, and how Winsidr approached its own reporting during the WNBA (virtual) draft, the first of any sports league.

The debut podcast is available here and also wherever you get your podcasts.


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This is an abridged version of an article that appeared today on the CrisisResponsePro paid subscription portal. (CrisisResponsePro subscribers can access the full version by clicking here. ID and password are required.) To take advantage of all of the content, data, and collaborative resources CrisisResponsePro has to offer, contact us at

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